Our parent dogs


Parents of current litters 


Rosa, AKC Havanese mom, 8 lbs, red sable. She has over 20 champions on her 4 generation pedigree. Her puppies are all beautiful and walk a show-prance.

Frankie, AKC Havanese dad, 9 lb, chocolate with white. He is a lovable, goofy guy. He is small, but is mighty in heart.


Yo-yo, 4 lb AKC black parti male, sire to upcoming litters. He is little, fast, and loves to be held.

Madelyn, 5 lb AKC blue phantom momma. She belongs to David.


Kalei. 7 lb AKC tricolor toy poodle momma

TinkaBelle, 5- lb AKC apricot momma. She belongs to David.

Havapoo parents

Conchita is an AKC chocolate parti Havanese weighing 11 lbs

Checkers is an AKC black parti miniature poodle, weighing 8 lbs.