

Kalei’s litter

Kalei & Yo-yo have 4 toy poodle puppies born 11/24/2024. Go home date is expected to be January 19-26, 2025

Pricing: $1800 each with AKC limited registration.

Dove is an apricot parti girl. She has red/apricot around one eye and on her lower back. She is AVAILABLE.

Charting to 7 lbs.

Dottie is a black parti girl with mostly white. She is AVAILABLE.

Charting to 7 lbs.

Bandit is the only boy, and is a black parti with phantom markings. He is AVAILABLE

Charting to 6 lbs,

Pearl is an apricot parti girl. She is all white except for her two ears, and is charting to 6 lbs. She is RESERVED.

Madelyn’s litter

Madelyn & Yo-yo have 3 toy poodle puppies born 11/30/24. Go home date is likely the last week of January 2025.

Prices are for AKC limited registration.

They are charting 4.5 - 5.5 lbs as adults

Rosie, tiny toy red/apricot girl, is AVAILABLE for $2000

Charting to 5 lb

Smokey, tiny toy black boy is RESERVED for Krista.

Cherry, dark red toy girl, is RESERVED..

Tinka’s puppy

TinkaBelle & Yo-yo have one girl puppy born 12/6/24. Go home date is expected to be the first week of February 2025. She is $2000 with limited AKC registration.

Amber, apricot toy or tiny toy girl. She is charting to 5 - 5.5 lbs as an adult. She is like her momma in so many ways!